Cumann Staire agus Seanchais Chill Chartha (Kilcar Local History Group)

Cumann Staire agus Seanchais Chill Chartha (Kilcar Local History Group) came together informally at the turn of the century with the sole purpose of putting together the various pieces of information on the farms and the people of the parish of Kilcar from the middle of the nineteenth century and to preserve this information for future generations.

We have over the years amassed a great deal of data and we can now trace occupation/ownership of most of the holdings in the parish. With the help of census 1901/1911 we know where the various families lived as well as the wider family connections. We are not claiming infallibility and are open to correction on all our work of course there are gaps in our notes which we would be delighted to fill. We welcome input from anyone who can help.

Tagann muid le cheile gach Ceadaoin san Aislann and tá fáilte roimh gach duine le casadh isteach. 

We meet every Wednesday night in the Áislann from 7.30 - 9.30 p.m. and we welcome anyone who cares to join us.

 If you would like further information on your ancestors or family connections with Kilcar, we may be contacted at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or visit their website at